I wouldn't be surprised if a future version added those hints back in. "Excuse me, princess." That's a reference to a video games thing, you know. You might be surprised by your character sarcastically sneering e.g. With a console command to activate the correct quest stage you can go through this. You never see this option because the quests script skips the dialog 4 pack where it would happen.

However, do bear in mind that those fiddly one-word prompts can also contain hints about how the line will be delivered, so you'll miss out on that. It actually seems like it’s blocked by a technical error, there is a speech check where you would convince lancer captain Kells that the RR isn’t there enemy. It comes in two flavours, one displaying options as a straight numbered list for mousers and keyboarders (you can use number keys to chat!), and one with that rosette for controllerers. It shows you full script lines instead of prompts. This here mod is based on one made in Russian by 'shadwar', switched to English by 'Cirosan'. If so, you may be glad to hear that someone's made a mod for Fallout 4 replacing its one-word dialogue options with the full line you'll actually say. You know that bit in RPG conversations? You know, that bit where it presents you with brief dialogue options, and you select one which seems innocuous then discover that the full response is a little more complicated? You know, where you click "Okay" and your character says "Okay, I'll do it, even if you are a pointy-eared freak GOD I hate elves and would murder your face clean off but I guess this is a quest so I'll settle for skinning your lousy elfmoose - which I will totally do when you turn away, btw"?