She tires of being coddled by her father and the inhabitants of Castle Zamoksva, and is eager to see the world that she knows exists beyond her bedroom window. Despite her high aspirations, Alena is far from the stereotypically serious martial artist, and sees the world around her with the wide eyes of wonder befitting her age. Nevertheless, she does enjoy adding the occasional accessory to her attire.Īlena is a definitive spitfire, unafraid to speak her mind and dead-set on reaching her goals. Though regarded by some as a tomboy, Alena does not forgo her feminine side she is simply too concerned with improving her strength to be tied down by bothersome traditions and dictations of "proper" conduct. With her cape and pointed hat, Alena somewhat resembles the female mage from Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation, though she possesses no magical aptitude at all.