You will also earn a Powerful with each full rank up of Infamy, Glory, and Valor.

On top of that, there are three exotic quests and a ritual weapon quest that are rewarded as Powerfuls. Those are all the weekly repeatable Powerfuls. Trials - Wins (3x from winning three, five, and seven matches) Hawthorne - Clan Engrams (4x from Crucible, Nightfall, Raid, and Gambit) Nightfall - 2-3 completions (depending on selected difficulty) Here is the full list of Powerful Engrams you can collect each week: RELATED: Destiny 2: Cloudstrike Exotic Sniper Rifle Guide Keep in mind you'll need to hit the soft cap of 1200 before many of these upgrades become available, and several of them will need to be unlocked by completing quests, purchasing Varik's Sabotage Missions, and earning rank-ups with Crow. While it seems likely atleast one more Powerful/Pinnacle will become available later in the season (thanks to some missing Triumphs in the Warden Seal) this list will give you a pretty good idea of which upgrades are available to you and how to unlock all of the additional upgrades introduced in Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt. The weapons available for testing reset once per week on wednesday.With the completion of the Deep Stone Crypt raid, we now have a somewhat official tally on all of the power and pinnacle engrams that are available during Destiny 2: Season of the Hunt. It is 250 reputation awarded per completed weapon test. Completely this to 100% will yield reputation with the gunsmith, it does not need to be turned in, and can be dismantled upon completion. The gunsmith sells weapons which are common (200 attack rating) and in each weapons description there is a checkbox which details a way of "charging" the weapon.

Obtaining reputation with the gunsmith goes very quickly. The weapon redeemed will have the same roll on it that week for everyone, but each week the roll will differ. When purchasing a item to redeem, the item must be held until wednesday at which point it may be obtained by trading the placeholder item in. In addition, receive a bounty which awards an exotic class weapon.

There is a set of these you will see if you are rank 1 or above for sale just beneath the testing set he sells.