Darkest dungeon the last crusade
Darkest dungeon the last crusade

darkest dungeon the last crusade darkest dungeon the last crusade

The Galloglass - Hailing from a misty isle on the very ends of the old world, where the continent meets the endless seas, he forged his name and piety in the fury of the crusade, his armour festooned with many awards of his various acts of bravery and daring in battle.

darkest dungeon the last crusade

Hearing of Reynauld's service to the Heir he has vigorously taken up his mantle and joined the brotherhood of Crusaders as the loyalist to the Heir's dynasty, eager to herald him like his knightly forefathers of old had done. Even poorer than the senior family, he made his mark on the crusade, and took all of his booty to outfit arms and armour. The Loyalist - Young and idealistic, this man hails from a cadet branch of the Heir's dynasty.

Darkest dungeon the last crusade